List of major updates made to the site, just for reference.

to do: see the sandbox page

Date Changes
01/29/2024 Posted the second ramble, about Knuckles' Chaotix.
01/09/2024 Updated the site's CSS to make it more unique and updated the guestbook.
11/20/2023 Officially moved from the old domain at to my own domain at! Very cool.
10/10/2023 Started fleshing out the Gallery by splitting it into separate pages for different sorts of images.
09/26/2023 Created the Update Log. I didn't have the foresight to make one of these sooner so all history prior to this will be kinda vague, sorry.
09/13/2023 Opened the Creative Exercise section with a work-in-progress Glossary page for [yet-to-be-titled work].
08/09/2023 Began the Blog (renamed later to the "Ramble" section) with its first proper entry, a "review" of the manga/anime And Yet the Town Moves.
04/14/2022 Created the site. It was little more than a single page, only featuring a stylized list of links to other sites, until sometime in August 2023.